Loved Twice is a nonprofit dedicated to donating gently used baby clothes directly to underprivileged babies in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Thanks to the generosity of the community, Loved Twice HAS OUTFITTED OVER 3,500 NEWBORNS IN NEED FOR THEIR ENTIRE FIRST YEAR OF LIFE! That's over 250,000 garments or 25,000 POUNDS OF BABY CLOTHES! These clothes have an estimated value of over $700,000. Keeping babies warm and reusing these garments accomplishes two important purposes. Considering a newborn onesie weighs just over one ounce, this significant volume has been saved from landfills and recycled back to the most precious among us.
The idea for Loved Twice took flight in 2005 when Lisa Klein, Founder and Executive Director, responded to a Craigslist ad posted by a Louisiana church asking for donations of baby clothing after Hurricane Katrina hit. By sending out one email, Lisa collected over 200 pounds of baby clothing in 4 days from friends and neighbors and mailed them to the church, which provided them to disadvantaged mothers that simply needed to keep their babies warm. Having just had her first child, Lisa was deeply motivated to help these tiny victims of Katrina. Witnessing the impact, Lisa realized this simple idea could be extended to an overwhelming local need. Lisa turned her compassion into passion and started Loved Twice to help under-privileged infants in her own community, giving them a better start in life.
Loved Twice has a waiting list of social service agencies eager to distribute the baby clothes. Sadly they cannot help without additional funding. The stories they hear are heartbreaking. For example, they received a baby clothing request for a 15 year old mother whose parents threw her out of her house for getting pregnant; another for a baby whose father was just murdered; still another for struggling parents who just lost their jobs. The stories go on.
Our grassroots nonprofit is run on a very modest budget and like all nonprofits we need funding to survive. We rely on the support of over 100 volunteers and companies who have helped distribute over 25,000 pounds of baby clothes. We are extremely lean and efficient, and work hard to minimize overhead expenses. Your monetary donation will go toward: baby clothes, blankets, board books, boxes, tape, and one employee.
Loved Twice has funding to continue until June 2011. If you would like to see us continue our work, please consider a monetary donation. We are a 501c3 nonprofit and all donations are tax deductible.
WHAT TYPE OF ITEMS DOES LOVED TWICE ACCEPT? Loved Twice distributes baby clothes in sizes up to 12 months ONLY. Blankets, hats, socks, bibs and board books are welcome too.
Early Head Start Program
Attention: Rebecca, c/o LOVED TWICE
150 Frank H Ogawa Plaza, Suite 6224, Oakland, CA 94612
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Download a guide on how to host a drive to benefit Loved Twice.
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