Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals formulated specially for starving children, and Feed My Starving Children ships the meals to nearly 70 countries around the world. In 2010, FMSC produced over 126 million meals thanks to the work of more than 520,000 volunteers.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) was founded in 1987 through the efforts of a Minnesota businessman who felt called by God to help feed the starving children of the world during a humanitarian visit to Honduras. He returned to the Twin Cities to develop a method of large-scale relief. In 1989, FMSC connected with food scientists from Cargill and General Mills to develop a nutritional product especially for FMSC to feed starving children. This food product included rice, soy, vegetables, a vegetarian-based chicken flavoring, and a vitamin and mineral mix. Food scientists continue to update the formula.
In addition to creating this formula, FMSC sought to develop a cost-effective means of producing the meals in quantities that would make a real difference in alleviating world hunger. Initially, FMSC tested packaging machines, but this method proved to be expensive and cumbersome. In 1993, a church group stopped by the FMSC facility to pursue volunteer opportunities with FMSC. That providential meeting gave birth to FMSC’s volunteer-packing approach.
To distribute the packed meals, the FMSC team began establishing partnerships with major global distribution nonprofits and imbedded missionaries such as Salesian Missions, Love A Child, Cross International, Samaritans International, and World in Need. These partnerships allow FMSC to reach desperately needy children in remote parts of the world by leveraging the partner's in-country expertise. This expertise allows the partner to help ensure that the orphanages, schools and facilities for disabled children are provided hot, nutritious meals—and a ray of hope for the future.
Feed My Starving Children MobilePackTM events allow people across the United States to pack life-giving meals. In 2009, more than 120,000 MobilePack volunteers produced more than 26 million meals during events in New York, Arizona, Indiana, Minnesota, Washington, Illinois, and dozens of other states.
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Source: http://www.fmsc.org/
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