Everyday the news coming out of Japan seems to grow more troubling. There continues to be a dire need to help the people in Japan. Check out Monday's post, Mobile Giving to Help Japan, which highlights many easy ways to donate to rescue organizations helping the people of Japan. There is another group which desparately needs our help... the animals affected by the disaster are also in need of assistance. Japanese families, like their American counterparts include beloved pets, which can be easily lost in the confusion of a catastrophe. Some shelters don't allow animals, which has left many pet owners without access to much needed services.
Watch this touching video filmed by a Japanese TV crew showing two dogs left stranded, dirty and wet after the earthquakes and tsunami in the Arahama area of Sendai, Japan. A brown and white dog is seen barking at the film crew before sniffing around and seemingly guiding them down to where he has been taking shelter, beside a metal drum.
Half way through the footage, it becomes clear what the dog is doing – minding a fellow injured canine who is lying behind him in shelter. The white dog wakes up and it is then that the bond between the animals becomes clear – as his companion reaches a paw over to hug his ill friend.
The Good News... the two dogs were rescued and are currently in a veterinary clinic, believed to be in Ibaraki.
Get Involved:
Please consider donating to one of the organizations working to rescue animals in Japan. Please share this page with your friends and family!!
Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support is a coalition of three animal advocacy groups already working to rescue homeless animals in Japan, HEART-Tokushima, Animal Garden Niigata and Japan Cat Network. You can donate on their Chip In page.
Animal Refuge Kansai (ARK) is working to rescue and care for animals displaced by the Earthquake and Tsunami. After the 1995 "Great Hanshni-Awaji" earthquake, the Animal Rescue Kansai (ARK) played an integral part in rescuing and assisting abandoned and lost animals. Using helicopters, ARK saved over 600 animals. During the current catastrophe, they are drawing on that experience to ready resources for what they believe will be an even larger rescue effort.
World Vets is an NGO that works with agencies in 25 countries to provide emergency services and supplies for animals in need. Their efforts in Japan have already made an impact as they immediately established a "base of operations in a safe location outside of the epicenter where animals will be temporarily sheltered and cared for." They have headed to the hardest hit areas providing veterinary supplies.
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Sources: World Vets, Animal Rescue Kasai, Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support.
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