Showing posts with label Birthday Wishes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birthday Wishes. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2011

February 11 - Birthday Wishes

The Mission of Birthday Wishes is a simple one:   To bring birthday parties to homeless children.  Birthday Wishes recognizes the importance of a birthday in a child's life and believes that the gift of a birthday celebration provides normalcy, joy and hope in these children's otherwise unsettled lives.

Birthday Wishes was founded in November 2002 by Lisa Vasiloff, Karen Yahara, and Carol Zwanger – three friends and colleagues who wanted to help homeless children build self-esteem. Having volunteered in several homeless shelters, it occurred to the trio - as they attended one of their own children’s birthday parties - that at the shelters, children’s birthdays often came and went uncelebrated. Their subsequent research indicated that no organizations existed exclusively to provide birthday parties to children living in homeless shelters. After speaking with local shelters and state advocacy groups, they found that most homeless shelters do not have the personnel or resources necessary to hold birthday parties for the children who stay there. Furthermore, the parent (usually a mom) is often unable, both economically and emotionally, to organize a party for her child. Some parents, embarrassed that they don’t have money for cakes and presents, don’t even tell their children that they have a birthday. For homeless children, birthday parties are a luxury that neither the parent nor the shelter can afford.

Yet a birthday is an important event in the life of a child, and Birthday Wishes was founded on the belief that every child, regardless of their living situation, should have their birthday recognized and celebrated. Birthday Wishes has found that something as simple and ‘normal’ as a birthday party has the power to make these children feel both special, and, perhaps more important, like a “regular kid”.

The first parties were held at the Second Step shelter in Newton, MA. Within a few months, 8 more shelters were added, and within three years growth had doubled. Today Birthday Wishes serves over 1000 children in more than 65 shelters in Eastern Massachusetts and Worcester. Birthday Wishes hopes to reach all children living in homeless shelters in the state of Massachusetts within the next 5 years and serve as a model for Birthday Wishes branches in cities throughout the U.S.


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Birthday Wishes Wish List.

Volunteer opportunities with Birthday Wishes.

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