Showing posts with label MFFO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MFFO. Show all posts

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10 (Day 41) Mothers Fighting for Others

Mothers Fighting for Others is an awesome organization dedicated to providing orphans and vulnerable children with opportunities their parents would have provided, if they only could; a loving and nurturing environment and a quality education, so they can learn, thrive and achieve their highest potential. 

Mothers Fighting for Others focuses their efforts on 3 major projects;

Inspire the Child is the future of Mothers Fighting For Others. Starting with Kenya, MFFO will build self-sustaining orphanages all over the world. These will be homes in the purest sense of the word. They will be places where young girls are loved, supported and educated.
The Gift of Education is an ongoing project to help pay the school fees and school requirements for orphaned girls who otherwise would not have the opportunity to have a complete education. We are currently sponsoring 27 Primary & High School girls at Saint Monicas Children’s Home.
The Underwear Project. Collecting underwear seems silly to some but meets a well-established need. Underwear is something that we take for granted. Others see it as a luxury. We have witnessed it first hand in orphanages and IDP camps in Kenya, where happy faces meet us each time new underwear is passed out. Check out the photos and see how you can host an underwear drive.

As I was reading the Founder's Story post, I was touched deeply and I thought, "Wow I couldn't possibly say it any better."  I will let Rocky words speak to your heart as they did mine - I have posted her words below.  If this charity touches your heart, please consider supporting them.  You can donate here.


A Letter From Rocky
 I would have never guessed that Mothers Fighting For Others would have started by a simple Google Search on “Volunteer Africa” in 2006. I was just doing research, that’s it. Less than a year, and many, many shots later, I was to far off Kenya. I volunteered with Global Volunteer Network and was assigned with an all girls orphanage outside of Nairobi.
  I am a different person now. Let’s just say I will never be the same woman, let alone Mother again. This was the beginning of a path that I had no idea I was on. These girls that I met were strangers to me when I arrived. By the time I left, they were my daughters. I had fallen in love with each and every one of them those two weeks in October.

 I realized I took the small stuff for granted. Something as simple as a pencil sharpener. I remember that first week helping Little Joyce with her homework and her pencil had broken. She pulled out a razor blade to sharpen it. I was in shock. I ran to my room and grabbed the bagful of little plastic pencil sharpeners that my friend donated, and passed them out to each and every one of them. There will be no need for razors anymore to sharpen pencils and no more cuts on their fingertips either. Something as simple as plastic pencil sharpeners made a huge difference. 

My hand was never empty.

I realized after one day all the girls wanted was to be loved. That was it. I was never alone. I was never without a child holding my hand or under my arm. That first trip was overwhelming. It was difficult to remember names and what grades they were in. Now, two years later, I know each and everyone of them. I know how tough and feisty Ann is when she feels she’s been wronged and I know how my amazing Winnie puts up a front when she is sad and hurting. Winnie breaks my heart. But they are all survivors. Each and everyone of them are orphans. Some have been raped. Some have been on the streets. Some have experienced both.

What I want for them is simple. I want them to feel loved. I want them to feel safe and secure. I want them to go to school and grow up to be great women. What I want for them is what their Mothers would have wanted. That is it. It’s that simple.

I know it can happen. The girls at the orphanage changed my life and the people I have met along the way have made an amazing impact on my life. I have “met” so many people from around the globe who share the same passion as I who have taken this journey with me and are standing along side me. I use the word “met” because the internet is miraculous.. The internet has brought so many people to me. Not only have I met the girls at Saint Monica’s, but I now know past volunteers who have joined to help the girls too. Then there are our supporters. I am amazed how big the world is. And because of sites like Twitter, CafeMom, Youtube and Facebook, I found and befriended people outside of my circle and the world became that much smaller.

I am both excited and truly humbled. Now Africa is not far off place anymore. Little things like pencil sharpeners, backpacks and sticks of deodorant can make an impact. It’s the little things that can change lives. It’s the little things that make the difference. When we travel, hundreds of photos and hours of video will be taken so you get to know each and everyone of them. You can and will grow to love them as much as we do. Mothers Fighting For Others will bring the girls that you help right into your hearts.

We can and will make this world a smaller place.

Thank You Rocky Turner for being an inspiration to us all... Continue to Inspire Greatness! 

Source:  Mothers Fighting For Others

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