Rebuilding Together is the nation’s leading nonprofit working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize communities. Our network of more than 200 affiliates provides free rehabilitation and critical repairs to the homes of low-income Americans.
Rebuilding Together believes in a safe and healthy home for every person. This means that we believe disabled and aging homeowners should be able to remain in their homes for as long as possible. We believe that homeowners displaced by natural disaster will get back into safe housing with help from the community. We believe that our nation’s veterans with disabilities deserve safe and accessible homes. Rebuilding Together works to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize communities by providing free home modifications and repairs, making homes safer, more accessible, and more energy efficient.
There are 24-million low-income homeowners in America. That number is predicted to grow to an astonishing 28.5 million by 2011. As the economic pressure on low-income families grows, more and more families are placed in the position of choosing between vital necessities and essential home repairs and modifications.
Rebuilding Together's mission is to preserve affordable housing by bringing volunteers and communities together to rehabilitate the homes of low-income homeowners. Rebuilding Together is the nation's largest nonprofit organization working to preserve affordable homeownership and revitalize neighborhoods by providing free home repair and modification services to those in need. With the help of everyday citizen volunteers, skilled trades people, the support of local business and major corporate partners, Rebuilding Together affiliates in America's largest cities and smallest towns make life considerably better for thousands of low-income homeowners.
In addition to its core home repair work, Rebuilding Together also rehabilitates community centers and conducts home modification and repair programs that focus on aging in place. Rebuilding Together has programs dedicated to energy efficiency, veteran's housing, and disaster recovery and reconstruction. Rebuilding Together is currently celebrating 20 years as a national organization and the completion of over 100,000 homes thanks to the efforts of more than 200 affiliates nationwide.
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