Sweet Sleep believes that a bed is atangible expression of God’s love and that every child deserves a clean, comfortable place to sleep. Sweet Sleep’s vision is to passionately and tirelessly pursue the goal of providing “a bed for every head.”
Sweet Sleep is a faith-based nonprofit organization which exists to share God's love by providing beds to the world's orphaned and abandoned children. According to recent estimates, there are more than 210 million orphans worldwide. Every day, 5,760 more children become orphans.
Orphaned and abandoned children in Third World countries suffer from lack of sufficient or healthy places to sleep. From children in war-torn Sudan sleeping in trees to protect themselves from deadly hyenas to the orphans of Eastern Europe sleeping on dilapidated 50-year-old metal cots with broken springs sagging to the floor - millions of forgotten children around the world have no place to dream tonight.
These children often sleep on old, broken and soiled beds or have no beds at all – forcing them to sleep on paper-thin mats or cold, hard floors, making them susceptible to crawling, biting insects and disease. In these conditions, it is nearly impossible to get a good night’s sleep and the effects are staggering:
- 1 in 5 of all childhood deaths is caused from malaria. 90% of these children are in Africa alone.
- A sagging or misshapen mattress may add tension to a child’s joints because their bodies rest on the mattress for hours at a time. Even if a child sleeps well on a bad mattress, these injuries to their bodies only make them weaker.
- Old mattresses or scraps of foam are breeding grounds for bed bugs and allergens that contribute to startling increases in respiratory diseases, including asthma, rhinitis, eczema and bed bug bites.
- When children continuously do not get enough sleep it affects their health, makes them tired during the day, hinders their ability to do well at school and leaves them more prone to disease.
Sweet Sleep’s provision of mosquito nets to orphanages is literally life-changing to children who live in fear of death by malaria. With your help, we are able to get sweet orphaned and abandoned children around the world into healthy, comfortable new Sweet Sleep beds. Since 2003, Sweet Sleep has worked closely with indigenous staff, and U.S. churches and businesses to provide beds and bedding to thousands of these orphaned and abandoned children.
Check out the Sweet Sleep's Nickels for Nets program:
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Resource: http://www.sweetsleep.org/