Showing posts with label Troopons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Troopons. Show all posts

Sunday, September 26, 2010

September 26 (Day 209) Troopons™ -- Coupons for Troops

I am always amazed by those people who go to the grocery store with coupons in hand and walk out of the store having saved large amounts of money!  My sister was like that.  She had a cupboard full of things she had gotten "free" through smart shopping and couponing!  I have tried... I cut out the coupons and then I forget to take them to the store!   Sunday is the big day for coupons, so here is a great and easy way you can make a clipping coupons! 

The Support Our Troops® coupon program enhances the welfare of overseas military families by sending them food and non-food manufacturer coupons to make their dollar go farther.

What are Troopons?
Troopons™ are what you can do with coupons you don’t use!  Send them to the troops overseas!  It’s an easy way to make a difference in their lives.

Here at home,  it’s easy -- our newspaper arrives full of coupons. Overseas, for military families, it doesn't.
But the military stores on their base where they shop accept manufacturer coupons from here – even expired ones.

So we can all pitch in to help these amazing man and women and families reduce their grocery bills. This is especially helpful when they are living in countries with currency exchange rates off bases that are better than the dollar, meaning their money does not go as far as it would at home. For example, off base, a military family’s dollar is worth following:

  • England: 65¢
  • Germany: 72¢
  • Japan: 90¢
So every dollar you can help them save in their on-base store, makes their American dollar worth more to them for things off-base.

How do our military families get these coupons? From you! They’re there for us, let’s be there for them.

Send us coupons you won’t use. We'll send them over. Just mail your clipped coupons to:

Support Our Troops®
P. O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070


  • This is patriotic, but not tax deductible.  (Your reward is the joy of helping others!) 
  • There is no minimum donation size.
  • Expired Coupons Are Accepted Until They Are Two Months Old. Coupons older than two (2) months expired on the date of mailing are no good. People at the base must have time to process them there, and families need time to use them in their budget stream.

How does this work....

Clip Your Coupons   
Don't send unclipped, We can’t do it. You will save people at the base time. You save yourself money on postage.

Good Coupons:
Only “Manufacturer’s Coupons” can be used. They can be from the newspaper, dispensers in grocery stores, tear-pads, internet and elsewhere as long as they state "Manufacturer's Coupon" on them.
Bad Coupons.:
No Assistance Vouchers. No Food Stamps or the like. No Store Coupons. No restaurant coupons.

Sort the Coupons

Bases usually have a grocery store, and a department store. Put food coupons in one bag and non-food coupons in another bag. This helps the base volunteers and personnel send them to the right store. Don’t use rubber bands, paper clips, or the like.

Mark the Bags

Write “food” or “non-food” on the outside of the bag. Write the approximate value on the outside of the bag.  Use the maximum value printed on any "buy one, get one free" offers. If none is printed, estimate.
  • What is "Food"? Food can be eaten or drank by humans for nourishment.Chewing gum and mints are considered food.  
  • What is Non-Food? Housewares, animal food, vitamins, are not food.  
Why Total the Value of Coupons on the Bag?
We can allocate the amounts among the various bases according to their sizes and needs. We can track how much good is happening by all us little people.

Where to Send Your Bundles.

Send us coupons you won’t use. We'll send them over. Just mail your clipped coupons to:

Support Our Troops®
P. O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-0070

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Source:  Support Our Troops
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