Showing posts with label animal cruelty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal cruelty. Show all posts

Monday, June 28, 2010

June 28 (Day 120) Dogs On Death Row

At first glance, today's post looks a little innocuous.  A cute cartoon dog with a prisoners cap on!  But read on and you will discover this charity is working to bring about an end to animal cruelty while helping place animals who otherwise would be euthenised into good, loving homes.    

Driven by a deep passion for animals, Jodie Richers founded Dogs on Death Row in 2007. Having worked in the nonprofit arena for many years as a director for One Child At A Time, an international aid and adoption organization, and also as a board member for Children's Charities of America, Jodie posesses a skill set ideal for leveraging dollars into the most efficient action possible to save the greatest number of dogs.
Jodie is tireless in her efforts to rescue, rehabilitate, and find homes for unwanted dogs everywhere. She is also committed to educating the public about the inhumane nature of gassing and heart prick as a means of killing animals. 
We would never lock human beings into a room, fill it with carbon dioxide and let them suffocate to death. It is inhumane. But, this kind of death is the fate of thousands of dogs and cats every year. It is a terrifying and brutal way to die and it needs to be outlawed.  Please sign up to receive our legislative action alerts and learn about how you can help abolish this barbaric practice in your state.
Click here to read about Amazing Grace, the dog who miraculously survived the gas chamber. Be forewarned, This article gives a graphic description of the practice.

How You Can Help:

Spay and neuter your pets.
An unspayed female dog, her mate and all of their puppies, if none are ever neutered or spayed, add up to:

  • 1 year: 16

  • 2 years: 128

  • 3 years: 512

  • 4 years: 2,048

  • 5 years: 12,288

  • 6 years: 67,000 dogs !!!
There aren't enough good homes for all of these dogs.
Make a donation.
Thousands of dogs are euthanized each year because of lack of funds to support them. These dogs deserve to live out their natural lives. A small contribution can make a BIG difference.
Take action.
If you have ever heard an accurate description of what happens to an animal when it is gassed to death or killed by heart prick, you know just how inhumane this practice is. Help us to outlaw these methods of killing dogs by contacting your state's legislature.

Educate others.
Tell your friends and family that you support Dogs on Death Row and tell them why it's important to get involved.

Source:  Dogs on Death Row

Monday, April 12, 2010

April 12 (Day 43) - Go Orange for Animals

 Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

The ASPCA -The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was the first humane organization in the Western Hemisphere. Our mission, as stated by our founder, Henry Bergh, in 1866, is “to provide effective means for the prevention of cruelty to animals throughout the United States.” The ASPCA works to rescue animals from abuse, pass humane laws and share resources with shelters nationwide. 

Note:  This video is very hard to watch... I hesitated in my decision to include it, but if it causes one or two people out there to get involved and take action, it is worth it.

One of our most important annual events is the celebration of April as Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month. Each year, the ASPCA urges supporters across the country to support our efforts and “Go Orange for Animals” in honor of the signing of the ASPCA’s charter in 1866. We officially launch Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month on April 1, and throughout the month, iconic buildings and landmarks across the country will support our life-saving work by lighting up in our signature color and “Going Orange for Animals.”  Please consider helping ASPCA in their fight to end animal cruelty.  Click here to donate to ASPCA
Click here to check out the many programs and initiatives of the ASPCA.

Check out the ASPCA blog, "Talk Action, Take Action" and see how to get involved in what's going on at ASPCA.

Donate to the ASPCA Today!

Source: ASPCA

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