Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animals. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

May 12 (Day 73) Home For Life

Home For Life® is an expression of a new kind of animal shelter—the long-term animal sanctuary. We provide animals with loving care, a nurturing environment that is safe and stable, a place to belong… a home for life. We provide lifetime care for cats and dogs with special needs who cannot find a home, but who can still lead a quality life.

Most shelters offer two options for animals: adoption or euthanasia. A typical family home is not appropriate for every animal. Those who are old, or who have disabilities, health or temperament problems may do better in another setting. Home For Life® believes that these special animals deserve an alternative that will meet their needs. Hence, we created a "Third Door." The Home for Life® animals enjoy a quality life, where they can be themselves, run and play, and be loved and cherished for as long as they live.

At Home for Life®, our animals are not offered for adoption. Once an animal comes to us, it truly has a home for life. Through our example, we hope to discourage an acceptance of euthanasia for animals who can still live a quality life. Just as apathy can become a way of life, so can empathy.

The example of empathy is furthered by our community outreach programs, such as Pet Peace Corps. Sanctuary residents that have been rehabilitated after past rejection and neglect are then able to give back. Through Pet Peace Corps, these animals work with volunteers and staff to help people who themselves may have been overlooked: children affected by domestic violence, at-risk teens, and the elderly.

These community outreach programs complete a circle of empathy for our animals—they become willing ambassadors of compassion, taking the empathy shown to them and passing it to other vulnerable members of society.

Donate to Home for Life®
Home For Life® welcomes your support! 100% of your contribution goes directly to the care and feeding of sanctuary residents. Our administrative staff is composed entirely of volunteers. The cost for designing, printing, and mailing our newsletter is underwritten by a single generous donor.

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