Showing posts with label loyalty card programs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label loyalty card programs. Show all posts

Sunday, July 18, 2010

July 18 (Day 140) Buy Groceries... Give Back

I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING! I am sure I am not alone in feeling this way because grocery shopping is just one of those things that you have to do, not that you want to do! There is only one positive to grocery shopping...I can console myself with the knowledge that I am helping a charity that is important to me.

How am I supporting my cause while grocery shopping?  It's easy... I use my loyalty card when I make my purchase and a percentage (usually 1%) of my purchase goes to the charity I have registered. It may not seem like a lot of money but to the charity receiving the donation, it can make a big difference.

I recently met with the volunteer coordinator of a small animal rescue in my area and she told me that they receive about $250. a month through their participation in this program. That may not seem like a lot of money but to the charity receiving the donation, it is greatly appreciated.  In this tough economy, charities are looking for every available revenue stream.

Loyalty programs will differ from company to company, so check out the loyalty program where you shop.  You can get information from the customer service desk or at the company website.  I have included a few links below for companies that offer a loyalty program that gives a portion of sales to charity.  Just click on the link for information.

Randalls / Tom Thumb
Food Lion
Pik N Save  - Sign up at customer service.
and my favorite...
Piggly Wiggly - although there is not a location in my area, I want The Pig Card!

This list is by no means exhaustive. If your favorite grocery store is on this list, please consider linking your loyalty card to a charity you support.  If your favorite store is not on this list, stop by the customer service desk and see if they offer such a program.  This is such an easy way to make a difference... Can you help?!
Japan Earthquake Relief

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