November is "Adopt a Senior Pet Month" A time where rescue and adoption groups highlight older pets who are awaiting their forever homes.
Throughout the month of November, rescue organizations and shelters from coast to coast are encouraging individuals to consider older pets when adding a new member of the family during Adopt a Senior Pet Month. On the heels of October’s Adopt a Shelter Pet Month, November’s event highlights the benefits of owning a senior pet — and spotlights the many older animals who are often passed over at shelters in favor of younger dogs and cats.
Shelters are full of older pets, all waiting for a chance to share with you their infinite wisdom and undying love and gratitude. There are so many reasons to consider a more “mature” pet for your family...and many shelters are offering reduced fees to adopt Senior Pets!
1. Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty!
A senior dog or cat can sense that they have been saved and will be eternally loyal to his or her new “forever” family.
2. Ease Of Guardianship
Senior dogs and cats are mellow, relaxed and ready for a new home. Dogs are past the puppy chewing and destruction stage and usually come with basic training. Cats are done climbing the blinds and jumping onto your head from high places. Most senior pets are happiest sitting at your feet or curled up in your lap!
3. No Huge Lifestyle Change
You don't need to worry about puppy or kitten proofing your house and constant training. And older dog or cat is all about a good night’s sleep…something you might not have for a while when you introduce a puppy or kitten into the home.
4. Stress Reliever
Life today can be very hectic. Studies have shown that animal guardianship can decrease blood pressure levels and reduce stress. Senior dogs enjoy leisurely walks, which will encourage you to exercise for even a few minutes on your busiest days…and simply petting your cat will lower the stress of the day.
5. WYSIWYG (“What you see is what you get.”)
Senior dogs and cats are full grown and their personalities are completely developed. When you meet with your senior pet, you will know what kind of wonderful, loving canine or feline he or she is and will always be.
6. Doggie Wisdom
Senior pets have learned many of life's lessons. They know, for example, that shoes are for walking and bones are for chewing…couches are for curling up on and not scratch pads.
7. Calm, Cool & Collected
Most senior pets do not demand the time and attention that a younger pet does and are satisfied with casual walks and cuddling. Many senior pets just snooze the day away inside while you are busy at work and are waiting calmly at the door for you when you return home.
8. Old Dog, New Tricks
Senior dogs can learn new tricks and be valuable family and community members. They also make excellent therapy dogs. And let’s face it, cats regardless of age may learn tricks…but they’ll do them only on their terms.
9. Companionship For All
Senior pets make wonderful companions for everyone, especially senior people and busy professionals.
10. You truly are Saving A Life!
Senior dogs and cats are typically passed by in the shelter for cute and cuddly puppies and kittens. They wait longer than most other pets to find their forever homes. It is much more difficult on them mentally and physically living in a shelter as most were surrendered by their owners for one reason or another.
Get involved:
Adopt a Senior Pet! Use Adopt-A-Pet to search for a Senior Pet available in your area!
If you cannot adopt... consider fostering a pet.
Donate money or supplies to a shelter in your area.
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