Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 11 (Day 42) Pets For Vets

Today's Cause is awesome because it helps two groups at once!  It rescues shelter animals and provides help to Military Veterans!   Check it Out....

The Pets for Vets program is dedicated to providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with America’s veterans who want a companion animal. This is a win-win way to give back to our troops who have given so much to us. They fought hard for our country and made us proud. Pets for Vets is a concrete way to say thank you and to benefit our returning veterans.

Many of our Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans suffer from physical and emotional injuries making it difficult to transition back to civilian life. Pets for Vets can help! Our goal is to heal their wounds by bringing together man’s best friend and our returning soldiers while showing them both that we have not forgotten. Any veteran with a condition that could benefit from having a companion animal and is able to care for an animal is eligible to receive a Pets for Vets companion animal.

The Pets for Vets program is dedicated to providing a second chance for shelter pets by rescuing, training and pairing them with America’s veterans who want a companion animal. 3 to 4 million dogs and cats are euthanized each year. These dogs can make excellent companion animals but never have that chance. Our dedicated animal trainer will evaluate and rescue the shelter animals and provide additional training to ensure that they are able to assimilate into a home, which is quite different from a shelter environment.

Sadly, there are alarming statistics of suicide, family abuse and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder facing veterans returning to civilian life after military duty. This can cause a downward spiral of apathy, unemployment, broken relationships, addiction and depression. It is our belief that companion animals can be the life saving therapy or friend that many returning service men and women need.

Medical studies have shown that companion animals significantly improve mental and physical health, including reducing stress, depression and anxiety, symptoms experienced by many serving in the military.
The Pets for Vets goal is to match rescued companion dogs (or pets) with American veteran owners providing a second chance for both the veteran and the dog (or pet).

Your support helps us match a rescued companion dog (or pet) with an American veteran who would benefit from having a companion. In accomplishing this mission, we do not want to create an additional burden on the veteran; with each dog/veteran match we provide all of the necessary equipment for them to start their new life together. In addition, the pet will be healthy and up to date on all vaccinations. Your donation helps to ensure they have everything they need.

If this inspires you, click here to find out the ways you can help Pets for Vets

Source: Pets For Vets

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